RVEDA Astrology

Astrologer Anubhab Bhowmick

Gems & Jewellery Consultancy

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DharmaKarmadhipati Yoga is one of the Highest forms of Rajayogas in Vedic Astrology . When 9th lord(Dharmesa) of Dharma and 10th lord(Karmesa) of Karma are in Sambandha(relation) in kendras or trines , Jupiter(Significator of 9th house) and Mercury(Primary Significator of 10th house) are in Sambandha or both are strong then the real Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga takes place . The Native with This Yoga rises very high in status and he does lots of good work for the society . The Native becomes rich and successful . 9th and 10th lord Parivartan , mutual aspect , conjunction can also give rise to Dharmakarmadhipati yoga. If these combinations are in Kendras or Trines then the Rajayoga is Massive .

Dharma-Karmadhipati RajaYoga

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